YP(Yield Protection)

YP guarantees a production yield based upon the productions actual production history. The prices are
set off the Commodity Exchange Price Provisions (CEPP). A loss payment is made when you do not meet
your bushel guarantee.

RP(Revenue Protection)

This is the product that most farmers buy. This product protects against a loss in revenue caused either
by price or low yield or both. The Guarantee is based upon the producer’s actual production history.
There are two prices set for this product, a base price and a harvest price. You can also purchase this
product with out the harvest price.

APH(Actual Production History)

Like YP, this protects your bushel guarantee. This is the oldest of all the MPCI Products. There are only
a few crops that can be insured under this plan. In our area we sell it on Dry beans.

There are other MPCI products such as ARPI and ARP. These are both area production plans. Contact us
for more information.